Thursday, May 9, 2013

A week away!

Deciding to study abroad was something i never thought about till one of my friends told me what a great time she had on this exact trip. Studying Abroad was something i thought would leave me in school longer and put me more in debt. Now that i am a week away from leavening I am so excited. I decided to study abroad because I have only heard great things about this program and I know that it is a once in a lifetime chance. I also thought it would be a great learning experience and allow personal and professional growth. I also have always wanted to go out of the country and going with school allows me to learn and have a structured learning experience. 

I expect to to changed by this experience in many ways. I feel that this will open my eyes to another world and teach me to live and take life in more than i do now. I know many say that they are crazy and live full stressful lives while they are in school and i am one of them. I have two part time jobs and take a full course lode each semester. I also am involved on campus with many organizations. I am a busy bee, and i would like to calm down and experience each day. I feel that being away from home and my jobs will allow me to accept life and be more in the moment. I also feel that i will grow more as my own self. I live at home and always have had my families help being away will allow me to grow as an individual. I also expect to learn more about another culture and accept this culture as much as i can. I also feel that working with students with special needs will help me with my nephew who has Downs Syndrome. I am ready and open to learn and change from this experience. 

My goals while I'm abroad is to see as much as i can and enjoy the beauty of another culture. Another goal is to learn how to work better with students with different needs. I would also like to see as much as i can while i am over seas to experience another culture. My last goal will be to relax more. 

I expect to achieve these goals by taking in everything and spending as much time as i can in Ireland and no stuck in my room. I also feel that being in the classroom four days of the week will allow me to learn about students with needs. 

My fears or apprehensions are growing as we get closer to our take off day. I have never been away from my family this long or my job. I love my family and my athletes that I coach I feel that being away I will miss them extremely and find that frustration. I am also nervous that I will get lost in an unfamiliar place. I'm nervous that not being able to contact my family as much as i can here is going to stress me out more than it should. I am also scared that I am going to miss what is going on here at home with loved ones. However, i feel that the excitement and support i have overcomes my fears. 

I am  most looking forward to the whole experience. I am excited to travel and see something other than the United States. I am excited to grow and gain more experience in a classroom setting. I am ready to grow and learn about another culture and see and hike and live in another culture! 

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